Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Food that helps you combat stress.

We at Jiyo Life, brought you tips to bust stress earlier. Today we will help you with another aspect of stress management. Of-course all what we have said earlier holds true but this is another aspect of stress management altogether- Food. You all know how the right food and the right amount of it can help you be fit. Well I don’t know about y’all but food helps solve most of my problems. There’s scientific evidence that certain kinds of food generate different kinds of mood patterns. In a similar way, the foods that we will be listing are known to have a positive effect on stress management.

Dark chocolate:
Well, everyone will agree with me when I say Dark chocolate is about the best thing that has been invented. Chocolate is a mood stimulant which helps us in remaining calm, lowering our stress levels and neutralising our hormonal imbalances. Chocolate releases chemicals which help in reinforcing the positive state of our mind. And they taste good too!

Stress can be the result of hypertension and garlic attacks just that and helps maintain the normal blood pressure of the body.It eases tension and stress and reduces glucose levels in our body. Garlic cannot be used as standalone product in our diet but we can flavor a lot of our dishes with garlic and pickled garlic has the advantage of staying edible and tasty for long.

Citrus fruits:
Fruits in general can be very good for your health but Citrus fruits are way more helpful in combating stress. Citrus fruits like oranges and sweet lime happen be very rich source of natural sugar which will make a world of difference with energy levels.

Green Tea:
If you are hooked on coffee, you may not realise what harm coffee does to your body. The same goes for tea. The solution to a perfect pick-me-up beverage is Green tea which is herbal in nature and can help you cope with stress. These kinds of teas keep your calories in check and also have a great taste. Of the many herbal teas that are available, Gin Seng tea, Tulsi tea etc.

Carry a Snack:
Having some protein-rich, healthful snacks in your car, office, or purse can help you avoid blood sugar level dips and accompanying mood swings and fatigue. Trail mix, granola bars, and certain energy bars all contain good nutrition.Always keep  water handy, as it’s so vital to health and proper physical functioning.

Yoghurt has the capacity to relieve the mind during stressful situations and is also a pleasure to eat especially when it is sweetened. There are many variations on yoghurt, like Lichi, Strawberry as well as other interesting flavors. It works very well in summer and it is very easy to digest.

A true beauty booster due to the Omega-3 oils it contains, which not only fights stress but also revitalizes skin making it look younger and healthier. Oily fish help you maintain a steady blood pressure and keep a check on the cholesterol levels in your body. And they help in improving brain function too.

Chicken Soup:
This well known recipe is great for the soul as well flu and other gastric turbulence since it contains anti-inflammatory substances calming down any respiratory problems. Moreover it helps you eat less since after a nice bowl of chicken soup you feel full thus decreasing your intake of calories.

They happen to  contain amino-acids which unwind blood vessels, stimulating thus the circulation of blood and the oxygenation of skin. Then, the omega-3 oils also contained in walnuts provide elasticity to your skin.

One glass of hot milk before going to bed at night, dwindles the effect of  insomnia and ensures a calm and rested sleep. It is better to choose fat free milk over full fat milk so you do not overload your body with oils. You will feel the temperature of your body increasing, relaxing your nervous system and helping you get a very restful sleep.

Follow these tips and you are sure to be in the pink of health and stress-free. So Jiyo Life everyone and help educate your close ones about this too. 


  1. It would be very useful if atleast some of these we adopt in our daily life..

  2. nice.....without knowing these facts, when i am stressed, i take lussi and orange juice and choklates...not bad ,our physiology is a good doctor by itself;)
