Friday, April 29, 2011

Food – choose the correct nutrition

We relish delicious cuisines and fast food every day to please our appetite. But the query is – are we receiving proper nourishment? Healthy eating is not about harsh restrictions or avoiding the foodstuffs we love. Rather, we should feel great about the food we eat and enjoy having more energy to keep ourselves at the healthiest state of body and mind.

Every food lover should learn some basic nutrition facts and using them accordingly for a healthy and smart diet. Our food selections can shrink the risk of illnesses such as heart illness and diabetes; besides also help guard against depression.Our habits of healthy eating can increase our energy and improve the memory power.

We bring out some of the pointers that will help you to enjoy your favorite meals as well as help you keep a tab on your daily nourishment.

Make things easier  People are too concerned with calculating calories or determining portion sizes. The main emphasis of a diet should be variety in terms of nutrients and freshness which will lead you to make healthy selections. Concentrate on finding foods you love and easy recipes that combine a few fresh ingredients. Steadily, your diet will grow to be healthier and more delicious.

Give your diet some time – Hoping to make your diet healthy suddenly is not truthful. Pursue small changes on regular basis like addition of salad full of different veggies to your diet and reducing the amount of oil used for cooking of certain meals.  As your small variations become a routine for you, you can add more healthy varieties to your diet ultimately over time.

Breakfast is important - A healthy breakfast can spur your digestion and eating small but healthy meals all through the day keeps the energy flowing and increases your metabolism rate.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day  Brighter fruits and veggies have higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals. Green veggies are filled with calcium, iron and many more vitamins which build up the strengthening of blood and respiratory system. Fruits provide fiber, vitamins and antioxidants which hold up the immunity capacities of our body.

Healthy eating habits can lead to an illness free life. Moreover, a healthy meal relieves our mind for all the stress we had throughout the day. So go ahead and enlarge your range of healthy food picks and learn to create and uphold a nourishing, healthy diet. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some interesting facts about fruits and vegetables

We all savor delicious fruits and vegetables on daily basis. These veggies and fruits have essential nutrients and provide vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin A. When it comes to usages of fruits, it is endless! Fruits are consumed as nourishment by millions of people in salads, juices, jams and pickles. We know that fruits and vegetables are highly suggested as part of a fit diet, but time and again, we munch these foods without really knowing much about them.

We share with you some interesting facts about fruits and vegetables:

  • Apple a day keeps the sleep away - Eating an apple is a more dependable way of remaining awake than consuming a cup of coffee. The natural sugar in an apple is stronger than the caffeine in coffee.
  • Keep your vitamins high - Darker green vegetables hold more vitamin C than lighter green vegetables.
  • Save the skin - Before you get out the potato peeler for your potatoes, you might want to think again. Most of the nutrients in a potato exist just underneath the skin layer.
  • Did you know - 35 % of a grown-up's day-to-day necessity of vitamin C can be found in a medium-sized potato.
  • They’re berry important for you - One cup of blackberries is a brilliant source of vitamin C and vitamin K.  Strawberries and raspberries are also good containers of vitamin C.

Hope you had as much fun reading them as we had collecting them!

And Last I share with you a perfect quote from Sir Henry Longfellow –
Kind hearts are the gardens, Kind thoughts are the roots, Kind words are the flowers, Kind deeds are the fruits, Take care of your garden And keep out the weeds, Fill it with sunshine Kind words and kind deeds “ - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Earth Day – A million hands to save the globe

Earth Day – A million hands to save the globe

Earth Day is a day anticipated to encourage responsiveness and gratitude for the Globe’s natural atmosphere. The anticipation was taken by Earth Day Founder – Gaylord Nelson after he watched the 1969 colossal oil spill in California. Motivated by the student anti-war effort, he understood that if he could impart that effort with a growing public awareness about air and water pollution, it would power ecological security. The first Earth Day was conducted all across the US on 22nd April, 1970 which reinforced a public alarm for environmental crisis.

Most people are conscious that our daily pollution is destructing the atmosphere. In many zones of the world we are damaging the environment that will lead to collapse of ecosystems. Every April 22, Earth Day is conducted which offers a remarkable occasion to participate in the conservation effort.

The fight for a clean atmosphere remains in a climate of growing determination, as the consequences of weather variation turn out to be more complex each day.  We insist our readers to be a part of Earth Day and help save the nature and conserve the natural environment. We must take preventive measures to protect the earth’s atmosphere in all possible ways. We must surely lend our time to build an unpolluted and a strong ecosphere for our forthcoming generations.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Slow Down – Excessive work is bad for your heart.

Slow Down – Excessive work is bad for your heart.

A new research found that individuals who operated 11 hours or more a day were more possible to have a heart attack related to persons who work regular seven- or eight-hours a day.

This investigation was taken after calculating well-known threat issues for heart disease such as obesity, smoking and high level of cholesterol.

With challenging superiors and hectic workplace atmosphere, it’s easy to sense stress at work. 
While a little stress can help you get dynamic but continuing stress can increase the risk of heart related syndromes.

Individuals who worked up to 10 hours a day were equivalent to those who worked less in terms of heart risk.

But once they crossed the 11-hour verge, there was a severe upsurge in the heart disease threat percentage.

Our Involuntary actions of the body such as heart beats are regulated by the Autonomic Nervous system i.e. ANS which plays a vital role in neuroendocrine stress responses. The ANS sends signals to heart and thus controlling the variability of the heart rate.

Work stress leads to instability in the heart rate. The effect on the ANS and neuroendocrine function in turn distresses the signals to the heart, leading to heart related disorders.

So always remember to get up from the chair and take a lap around the office regularly to keep the body flow active. Such small changes and regular exercise along with proper diet can help you lower your health risks. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Summer Time – Chill Time... The Healthy way

Summer is the warmest of the four temperate seasons. The extensive heat rays leave us exhausted and thirsty. The very thought of summer brings on the heat. It sends streams of sweat down the spine, especially when you are thumped into the midst of scorching heat and relentless humidity. 
We advise you to beat this heat in a healthy and natural way.
Things to eat –
The diet should be light and we should try avoiding oil and fried food preparations. Dehydration is the primary concern when it comes to heat. Thus, Lemon juice, Kheer, Fresh fruit juices can be taken on regular intervals to maintain the fluids in our body. If we can put a habit of drinking a glass of water before going out it in the sun, it will substantially reduce the chances of a heat stroke.
It is very important to keep the body cooled as the intensive heat may lead to stress and digestive difficulties. Consumption of milk products such as Buttermilk, milkshakes, and food prepared by using ghee and butter are suitable to keep the body cool and strong. Diet should be properly constituted and fried, salty and spicy foods should be avoided. 
Fruits such as watermelon, mango, grapes, apples, muskmelon and cucumber help calm the digestion process and are considered beneficial.
Consumption of soft drinks, ice cream and canned fruit juices in the sun should be avoided as far as possible as they elevate the effect of heat. They encourage acidity and thus upsurge internal heat of the body.

Things to wear –
Summer brings the flow of hot winds generally known as “Looh”. As a result of this we may suffer from dehydration and become inclined to diseases resulting from the dry and humid weather.
The flow of air in the body should be maintained as it helps in refreshing the pores on the skin. This helps to reduce the moisture and helps sweat evaporation.

Use of cotton fabrics is advisable as it is light and maintains the air flow in the body. Denims are very popular and light and cool shades of Denims can be used.

The spirit of summer clothing is feeling graceful and comfy and so preferably light colors should be used for summer clothing. White is the season color as the color reflects heat and helps in keeping the body calm. Light pastels colors ensure high level protection against the high level of ultraviolet rays of the sun.

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