Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rid Yourself of stress & Jiyo Life yaar

What is it?? Stress is a condition or a phenomenon wherein a person suffers from exhaustion, irritability, inability to concentrate, dizziness, nausea, chest pain, rapid beating of heart etc. due to failure to respond appropriately to physical or emotional threats which leads to a health breakdown. Now this threat may be actual or imaginative.
The term ‘stress’ was first coined by endocrinologist Hans Selye in 1930.

Why is it bad??
Stress is a very personal problem. A person can have stress because:
·         He is not satisfied with his job

  • ·         Family problems
  • ·         Money matters
  • ·         Tension due to an upcoming exam
  • ·         Low self esteem and self confidence & many more.

As mentioned in the first part stress can lead to low concentration, low social interaction, rapid beating of heart ultimately leading to a heart attack.

So how can you get rid of it??
There is no solution to completely escape stress. However, you can make use of the following tips to avoid it.
Talk: As a popular ad says “baat karnay sey hi baat banti hai”. Whatever problems you may be facing, share it with your loved ones. They may be your parents, your best friends, your car driver, your professor, they can be anyone. It actually works. Just Share.

Write: There may be cases where a person may not be comfortable with ‘talking it out’ because they may be afraid or they just don’t want the other person to know it.
Writing is what you can do. You can start your own blog or maintain a dairy. If you love poetry, try writing one. See how your mind gets refreshed!

Get a pet: It has been proven that having a pet in your house can do wonders for one’s health. The pet can be  a dog, a cat, even a pet lizard, as long as you love it!

Music: There is no one on earth who is does not like music. Listening to your favourite tracks has been proven to be a great stress buster. There are different genres of music like rock, trance, pop etc. So go on and grab your headphones.

Laughter: ahahahahaha.hahahahahahahaahahahahaa.
Laughing out loud is one of the best stress busters one can make use of. Just laugh out loud. Crack silly jokes. Irritate people with your jokes, join laughing clubs, play a few pranks. just go ahahahahahahahaha.

Be Positive: Never ever underestimate yourself. Be positive in whatever it is that you do. 

All in all, as the title suggests, destress and Jiyo Life!

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